Raja Yoga 8- Week Intensive Course

Are you looking for a way to enrich your spiritual life? 

Do you want to deepen your understanding of yoga and meditation? 

Do you feel like there is more you could be doing to reach your highest potential?

Living The Principles of Self- Realization (Raja Yoga) is an 8-week course that combines yoga postures, dietary principles, and yoga philosophy.

8 Saturdays, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Feb 22 - Apr 12, 2025
In Person 


1123 Goodrich Blvd. 

Commerce, CA 90022

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Learn how to stay energized and not feel drained by stressful situations 

Experience more joy and calmness under all circumstances

Learn timeless techniques from an authentic yoga lineage

Deepen your understanding of your inner self

Inside The Course

Lesson 1: Principles of Energy and Energization
Lesson 2: Raja Yoga and the Paths of Yoga
Lesson 3: Ashtanga Yoga: Patanjali’s Eight Limbed Path
Lesson 4: Yamas: The Don’ts of the Spiritual Path
Lesson 5: Niyamas: The Do’s of the Spiritual Path
Lesson 6: Transforming Habits and the Science of Using Affirmations
Lesson 7: Environment is Stronger than Willpower: The Principle of Magnetism
Lesson 8: The Nature and Purpose of Creation
Lesson 9: The Guru

Sample Schedule

10:00pm - 10:15pm Energization Exercises 

10:15pm- 10:45pm Yoga Asanas (Postures)

10:45pm - 11:15pm Guided Meditation

11:15pm - 11:25pm Break

11:25pm - 1:00pm Yoga Philosophy 

The focus of this course is on three main areas:

1. Deepening your meditation and your practice of Energization Exercises through our weekly in-person class and one weekly zoom call

2. Deepen your understanding of yogic living through reading the lessons, quizzes, and a weekly personal video call with your instructor

3. Prepare those who are interested in deepening their spiritual practice to continue on the Path of Kriya Yoga by going deeper in the teachings and building the daily habit of meditation

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Raja Yoga Intensive: Where Yoga comes to life.

We’ll explore these 6 arenas of study and practice...

Yoga Theory and Philosophy

  • The purpose of life
  • The dream nature of the world
  • What is the soul?
  • Karma: the law of life
  • The nature of good and evil
  • Reincarnation
  • Inner spiritual realities (the chakras, kundalini, etc.)
  • What happens when we die?
  • What is a guru?
  • The cycles of time (yugas)
  • How to achieve freedom from suffering
  • What is God?
  • The scriptures of Yoga: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Hatha Yoga

  • Yoga postures for health and spiritual development
  • Slow, gentle practice
  • Longer holds in certain poses
  • Routines always balance left and right and forward and back
  • Accompanied by powerful affirmations to reinforce the spiritual aspirations of each pose
  • Prepares the body and mind to facilitate deeper meditation


  • How breath influences the mind, body, and energy
  • Techniques to reduce fatigue, depression, or lack of mental clarity
  • Techniques to calm strong emotions
  • Gain awareness and practice control of your energy and life force


  • The purpose of meditation
  • Techniques to quiet the restless mind
  • Achieve deeper states of meditation
  • The role of the heart (devotion)


  • Yogic techniques for improved overall health
  • Techniques to help improve conditions including stress
  • Methods of healing others
  • Healing at a distance
  • Affirmation
  • Prayer

Healthful Food

  • How food affects consciousness
  • What types of food are best for physical health
  • Foods that help or hinder spiritual life
  • Recipes for healthful food
  • How prayer affects food
  • How state of mind affects digestion
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One Payment




2 Monthly Installments
