How to Awaken Your True Potential
An online course with Padma Haldar and Arnab Chatterjee
Tuesdays February 8 - March 1
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Are you ready to take serious steps to discover the hidden resources of divine joy, love, and power within you? Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the best-loved spiritual teachers of modern times, offers step-by-step guidance to help you awaken your true potential. You will discover that hidden within you is untold power, and you will learn how to take steps daily to live life with greater joy and meaning.
Yogananda rouses you to awaken your true nature, beginning by looking at the habits that hold you back and how best to change them. He gives practical steps to prepare you for the inner journey of awakening. This course includes not only the meditation technique that he calls “one of India’s greatest gifts to the world,” but many other techniques for achieving inner stillness and realization. Yogananda also shows you how, once you begin to discover the power of your soul nature, to use higher consciousness to live more productively and successfully.
This 4-week course is based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and offered through long-time disciples who have dedicated their lives to living and sharing these teachings.
Enroll TodayTestimonials
I enjoyed the entire class I feel so uplifted and inspired!
I just would have wanted it to go on for longer and for us to be able to watch each other grow and change as we apply the principles.
Lisa M., PhD
How to be a success is an extraordinary and heartwarming class!
Arnab and Padma offer practical tools and spiritual guidance for worldly success and spiritual fulfillment.