The Sideless Side of Spirit
Jul 03, 2022by Nayaswami Narayan
My first experience of Ananda Village was years ago at Spiritual Renewal Week (SRW), an inspiring immersion experience of meditation, yoga, and classes on spiritual living. At the time, I was working in the financial markets in midtown Manhattan. You probably could not have a more polar opposite place in the world to Ananda Village than New York City.
When I traveled up Highway 49 into northern California’s gold country, I became mesmerized by Mother Nature’s beauty in the ponderosa and gray pines that populate the region. Coming from the East Coast, I had never seen such grandeur like the rolling foothills of the Sierra Nevadas.
I camped out in the meadow across from the Expanding Light Retreat. After days of morning yoga, meditation, chanting and inspiring classes, I felt as if I had been born anew. One morning in my tent an overwhelming peace stole over my being. It was as if an internal spritzer and windshield wiper cleansed my consciousness of mental debris and restlessness.
“This is how you are supposed to live all the time!”, I thought.
How can we live that way all the time? During SRW this year Nayaswami Jyotish suggested a three fold approach of meditation, service, and community. When you steep your spirit in God through meditation, right living, and divine friendship it works like magic!
As you attune your life to the Divine, it will become an unbroken inspiration that silently sings of His love and joy. As the Bible says, “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God.”
Why not become a son of God? What’s in it for you?
Joy & Blessings,
Nayaswami Narayan
The Sideless Side of Spirit
by Nayaswami Narayan
We are all part of the sideless side of Spirit.
Though some play a separate side
Spirit sides with all sides
who find their sideless side in Him–
where two become one,
and one the only One.
So sidelessly side with Spirit,
wring out your wrongs
let your heart become:
Known to the knowing,
the knower,
Just the One!
to the singing, the singer, a song
like none have sung.
Loving, lover, love
the only One.
Where your two become one,
and your one the only
Sidelessly side with Spirit,
Have fun!